Shipping and return policies for Rillbar

Shipping Info
Shipping fees, Terms and conditions.

In the shops we manage shipping fee is a combination of the packaging, handling and actual postage for your order. It is important to note that therefore the postage on your package will be a lower amount than the combined shipping fee. This is not a mistake.

We have neither the time or the skills to do the actual packaging ourselves, so to provide you with a better and faster service we have emplyed the good people at Rillbar to handle the actual shipping.

The packages are sent by regular mail to not make it too expensive, and the actual postage may vary according to your location (packages are mailed from Denmark), and your order. The shopping system automatically calculates the postage, and we cannot help if the postage is from time to time calculated in a weird way which makes it cheaper to send it in two packages in stead of one. The main goal is to get you your order as fast and inexpensive as possible. And of course no further shipping fees than the one you yourself have accepted in the shopping system will apply.​

Thanks for supporting our bands. If you have any questions or complaints regarding the shopping service, please contact the shop.
Return Policy
If you receive a damaged or defective item, we will promptly send you a replacement after you have returned the damaged or defective product. The damaged or defective item must be returned to Bad Afro/Rillbar within 14 days of receipt. You will not be charged any additional shipping or handling fees for replacement shipments.

Please send it to:
Helgesensgade 22, 2. tv
2100 København Ø

The purchaser has the right to return the goods and get a refund within two weeks of the arrival. The return-shipping is at the purchasers expense. We do not accept COD consignment. The goods must be unused and in perfect condition when they return to Bad Afro/Vibrashop. Receipt must be included. If the Rillbar-personel finds these things to be in order, the purchaser will receive the refund from Rillbar.
The refund will be returned via the customers paypal account